Merrimack Valley’s Lawncare Specialist
Shane’s Lawncare of Billerica, MA specializes on new lawn installation and irrigation systems for your home. With a close attention to detail, every job is is about quality, not quantity. From design and installation to seasonal and system maintenance, Shane’s Lawncare can help make your yard look how you’ve always imagined. Get started today, call 978-804-5606.
Memorial Day weekend 2021.
Team effort with my partner @ejorourke3 on a job we got from a previous and repeat customer. Removed old concrete steps and walkway, designed all new plant beds in front of the house, installed the plants and trees the customer purchased, and spread out some nice fluffy black bark mulch to give the plants that pop.

Sprinkler system fully operational and another happy satisfied customer here in the wonderful town of Pepperell, MA. Hunter hydrawise controller installed. 10 zones in the yard. Everything is at the control of your fingertips. #lawnsprinklersystems #lawnirrigation #hunterhydrawise #pepperellma #krainirrigation #hunterirrigation #rainbirdirrigation

I love showing up to a homeowners house for irrigation work for repairs and see the typical homeowner jerry rigged water supply for the system being fed with a spigot. I just shake my head with a WTF look and say to myself you got to be kidding me. 😒🤦♂️.
The homeowner that im fixing this system for did not do this, but bought the house like this. Ripping out this pvc spigot hookup crap and doing it the way it should have been done. Plumber will be out in a few days to run the 1 inch supply with a PVB that should have been run in the first place. Also replacing heads, changing the valve solenoids, and getting all new wiring with a nice hunter hydrawise wifi controller. Do it once, do it right, no call backs. Stay tuned for the finished product.

Installed a completely new irrigation system in this yard. 10 zones, 52 heads in this yard, and 1900 feet of poly pipe installed. My partner in crime #ejorourke3 helped with the installation and I helped him with the hydroseed application at this house. #turftypetallfescue #hydroseeding #hunterirrigation #rainbird #hydrawise #chelmsfordma #